Friday, May 31, 2013

Let me remain a child

Happy Birthday Navika


Sunday, May 26, 2013

Old habits die hard!

Mothers can still be seen applying `kaajal' to both eyes of a child or the eyes of several children with the same `suramchu' (oblivious of the chance of the passage of a disease from one eye to the other).

Innumerable persons can still be found waiting for deterioration of their vision to `counting fingers' level in the mistaken belief of the ripening of their `cataract', as many-a-times they may be suffering from an entirely different ocular ailment (otherwise, too, cataract surgery can now safely be done at any stage of the opacification of the lens inside the replacement with an intra ocular lens - IOL), and

Almost daily you can come across a person borrowing near vision glasses from someone else who may be a family-member, a friend, or even a co-worker or passer-by (forgetting that refractions mostly differ in two individuals and even in two eyes of the same individual).

Dr. Narendra Kumar
Ophthacare Eye Centre